Dawn Heldreth

High-Quality, Beautiful. Photography.

My Story

How do I tell you about myself?  A while ago I would have said that photography is my life, my camera is an extension of me, etc. Nowadays it’s a part of a larger puzzle and I’m learning about those other pieces. I asked a friend how to answer this, and she said:“Even though some of your photos are “humanless”, I feel like you have a conversation with each scene before you take the picture”. So, I will go with that until I learn to write flowery, artistic statements.

What do I love? I love Gatlinburg, Tennessee especially Cade's Cove. Seriously, give me a chair and a book anywhere that I can have a few minutes of peace and quiet and I’m a happy girl! I couldn’t live without music, I'm the one that's usually singing loudly in the car! Days when I can sleep in (which are few and far between lately), and warm covers to snuggle in on a cold morning. A giant bag of Hershey kisses. But most of all my amazing husband, our five wonderful kids, our four fur kids and my friends and family who support me and my crazy dreams. I don’t like: Feeling like I’m running around in circles never getting anywhere, being cold, forgetting to do something. I hate headaches, and wish I wasn’t so addicted to Diet Pepsi and chocolate. I can’t stand it when people cut me off in traffic, or all of the commercials on the radio~ seriously, play some music people! My job is amazing, I get to exchange life with the people that I photograph. Great photos are life inspired and love infused. I live with the theory that you don’t take a photo, it’s the photo that takes you. Everything that is new to me inspires me…new places, new situations, people and their stories, going to a football game, cheering at a volleyball game or track meet or even walking on a muddy park trail. Photography is my addiction… I see pictures everywhere I look. Noticing the overlooked beauty and spotting the extraordinary in the ordinary. To me, photography is intuition, it’s about understanding the world around me without second thoughts. It’s an act of discovery that’s universal, it’s a beautiful tool that enables me to capture something physical and spiritual at the same time. 


I shoot with top of the line Canon equipment. Each image is carefully edited, no global editing techniques are ever used. I strive for my images to be as unique as the subject that is being photographed. Various editing software is used depending on my subject~ portraits are retouched and any blemishes are removed, sports photos tend to be edited to bring out intensity of the game, weddings are edited to show the detail and beauty in the day.